Saturday, February 20, 2010

List Of Non Fiber Foods Whats The HIGHEST FIBER Pill Or Capsule Available? I Want A 0 Calorie, 5+ Grams Of Fiber Pill-only. Thanks!?

Whats the HIGHEST FIBER pill or capsule available? I want a 0 calorie, 5+ grams of fiber pill-only. Thanks!? - list of non fiber foods

I know how much fiber can be found in foods. If you have a list of foods, shakes, bars ... Food is difficult, the gram (to identify fiber no time), and tremor / bars / etc are usually high in sugar and calories.
The pills I have a lot of fiber-shit and after hours of searching in Google seems desperate to see. If you are no tablets or 5 grams or more to know, w / preferally not Psyllium Husk (which is of inferior quality), alerting me plz!
THANKS tons!


Elliot said...

seriously ... Remember to have the pills and you do not need the fiber in the diet can not eat enough, then, a few lettuce leaves and a few sticks of celery and you're more than set.

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