Monday, February 1, 2010

Ultrasound Appearance Of Angiomyolymphoma Normal Thyroid Ultrasound Report?

Normal thyroid ultrasound report? - ultrasound appearance of angiomyolymphoma

Hello, my results of thyroid ultrasound print my doctor received yesterday, somebody could help me, please understand, and those results if they are in the areas of "normal" thyroid gland. My impression is no doc for the results of my blood, when the thyroid gland. Oh, it's good, you could help me understand what it means.


No previous study for comparison.

The right lobe of the thyroid measures 1.8 x 5.4 cm tall x 1.6. The echo texture is identified in line with normal vascularization. The left lobe measures 1.9 x 5.1 x 1.6 cm in size and shows a normal echo texture and vascular flow. The isthmus is 3 mm in size.

N retrosternal extension of thyroid observed.

Several small cystic nodules are identified in the mid pole of the left lobe. They contain no internal circulation and the largest is 4 x 4 x 2 mm.

Several lymph nodes bilaterally in the neck, which can be seen up to 1 cm in short axis and a normal appearance.


Smallcystic nodules in the thyroid gland is identified hypervascular. If several lymph nodes measuring up to 1 cm in short axis of the normal sonographic appearance.

Please help me understand what it all means ... Thyroid think a little smaller than that? Thyroid nodules and that regardless of the size in the survey? Why in the world has just my doctor, I think seriously, all the symptoms (in another post) and only slightly fobbed me. Why did I ever wondered why "nodes" in the first place? further studies, etc.?

Please help, what the size of the normal thyroid? Am I mad, and in the imagination, all the symptoms? and size of the nodes, which might put pressure on my wind / gavage?

Thanks in advance!



Mamacita said...

This report is quite normal, but some nodes. They are very common.
The size of the nodes is less than half an inch .... It is small and certainly not big enough to put pressure on his wind pipe!
Take a deep breath, will go well. :)

898 said...

The size of the thyroid gland is normally about 14 cubic centimeters, slightly above the average is 12 cu. cm but less than the upper limit of normal of 18 cm cubes. and nodules of this size are not capable of compression with symptoms.

CutThroa... said...

First, take a deep breath ... The report seems to be in order. The size of the normal thyroid gland is about the size of a dollar and a half, very small, and normal lymph nodes are smaller. The report shows that not more than upset.

The fact that small nodules are not at all be related. Most people have nodules, and I do not know, and less than 10% of all thyroid nodules are cancerous. It is a very small number. The fact that the nodes have no internal blood supply is good. Cancer needs a blood supply. The size of the node is a few millimeters ... It is very, very small, smaller than an eraser, so you probably is not much pressure on the trachea or esophagus.

Good luck to find what is causing your symptoms.

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